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 Ciao! I got my Brompton as my birthday present :)

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3 participants

Nombre de messages : 1
Age : 33
Localisation : Kortrijk
Date d'inscription : 16/06/2017

Ciao! I got my Brompton as my birthday present :) Empty
MessageSujet: Ciao! I got my Brompton as my birthday present :)   Ciao! I got my Brompton as my birthday present :) EmptySam 17 Juin 2017, 12:25 pm

Hey there!

I'm from Indonesia. Currently I live in Belgium for studying. First time I came to Belgium, I often saw some people carry their Brompton in the stations. Since then, I had a crush on Brompton for the first time. My mind was like "What kind of folding bike is that? Why is so chic?" I was dreaming of having one.

Finally, I'm lucky enough to have my Brompton as my 25th birthday's present. It has been more than a year I use it. And I really enjoy riding it. I use it on daily basis.

This summer, I will bike packing with my Brompton to few cities in Switzerland, and Eiffel in Germany. If my summer trip is successful, I'm considering to have long distance trips with my bike back to my country. We'll see.

I'm so happy to find this community so that I can get more information about Brompton and stuff.

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Vénérable Grand Maître
Vénérable Grand Maître

Nombre de messages : 11041
Age : 52
Localisation : Orléans (45)
Mon Brompton: : Jumpy, M14L vert citron (ex M6L Green Apple de 2010) + Jolly Jumper, S7E-X orange (ex S1E-X Raw Laquer de 2012) + Jumbo, P11E-R Green Lime Kinetics (2015). Composants: Kamoya, Bikefun, Ti Parts Workshop, Brompfication, Ridea, Token, Nove-Design, Brombacher, Joseph Kuosac, Multi-S, H&H, ACE, ORZ, Jtek, Brooks, Berthoud, MKS EZY, Color+, Ti39. Sacs T-Bag, C-Bag, S-Bag, Wotancraft Pilot, Vaude Cruiser bag. Compteur Omata, éclairage Sigma Buster 1100 et Cosmo Ride
Date d'inscription : 14/11/2010

Ciao! I got my Brompton as my birthday present :) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ciao! I got my Brompton as my birthday present :)   Ciao! I got my Brompton as my birthday present :) EmptySam 17 Juin 2017, 1:17 pm

Hello Naturehead and welcome aboard the forum Ciao! I got my Brompton as my birthday present :) Brompton
Maybe the first membre from Indonesia.
See the posts "balades du Bromptonforum" for all the trips. We were already in Eiffel with a few Bromptonistes.
Two Bromptonistes made a trip around the world with Brompton.


Le Brompton est plus qu'un vélo, c'est un art de vivre ! Ciao! I got my Brompton as my birthday present :) 102328
"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving” - Albert Einstein

Ballon d'Alsace 1178 m (2014), Grand Ballon 1343 m (2014), Mont Ventoux 1909 m (2015 et 2017), col de la Bonette 2802 m (2018), col d'Izoard 2360 m (16/07/2019), la "Superbe - Berlin Mauerweg (140 km)" (4/06/2023)
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Fournisseur officiel de belles balades
Fournisseur officiel de belles balades

Nombre de messages : 5487
Age : 101
Localisation : Belgique (riverain du pré-Ravel L141, de l'ancien canal Charleroi-Bruxelles et d'anciennes carrières de petit granit)
Mon Brompton: : Plusieurs Brompton couchés (Brecki) créés par mon amie Juliane et une collection historique dont les plus anciens fabriqués à la Power House
Date d'inscription : 20/11/2009

Ciao! I got my Brompton as my birthday present :) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ciao! I got my Brompton as my birthday present :)   Ciao! I got my Brompton as my birthday present :) EmptyMer 21 Juin 2017, 9:12 pm

Hi (xoxo ?) !  Welcome on board.

Brompton Forum's Tour [Balades du Brompton Forum] :
- Eifel : saison 7 ( Balade de l'Arbre de mai : Eifel et Moselle)
- Singapore and Malaysia : saison 10 (Vol 178 pour Singapour : balade malaisienne chez Greg et François)

--> Curriculum Aventuræ : les aventures collectives du Brompton Forum : récit saison par saison et archives

Lire aussi le pour quelques récits des membres (Asie) : Florilège des récits cyclotouristiques des membres : une sélection des meilleurs récits.
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Ciao! I got my Brompton as my birthday present :) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ciao! I got my Brompton as my birthday present :)   Ciao! I got my Brompton as my birthday present :) Empty

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Ciao! I got my Brompton as my birthday present :)
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